Homicon 2004 Program
Friday 10/22
Coffee at the Daily Grind 4:00
Happy Hour Koopers Tavern 5:00
Pub crawl starts about 7:30
Saturday 10/23
9:00 Breakfast at Captain James (changed from Jimmy's)
10:30 Tour the John W. Brown. Meet at Koopers at 10:00. Carpool to the ship
leaves at 10:15.
Lunch, free time, etc.
3:15 Zippy's walking tour of Fells Point, $10 per person, meet at Koopers
5:00 Redball dinner party at Elizabeth Leik's house.
She lives at 222 E. 25th Street in Charles Village.
You can drive yourself or join Mike & Ginnie's carpool. It meets at the
foot of Broadway at 4:30.
Bring Homicide props for show&tell, lots of fun, food (bring $$$ to chip
After the party-Rocco's field trip to Ladder 49 at the Benjies Drive In.
Sunday 10/24
9:00 Breakfast at Captain James (maybe)
1:30 Duckpins at Patterson Bowling Center. 2105 Eastern Avenue, about a 6
block walk from Thames Street. We have 5 lanes reserved for 1 game. $3.50
per game per person, $2.00 shoe rental.
Followed by Brick Oven Pizza on Broadway.
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